dream ~ inspire ~ create ~ bloom

a blog designed to inspire the creative spirit in all of us.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Chicken Makeover

I was recently getting rid of some things around the house to take to the consignment shop to sell. Among the items was a primitive, white wooden chicken atop a spindle type pedestal. "Nana" my 11 year old granddaughter said, "you can't get rid of that chicken, I like it!  Why don't you just paint it a different color?"

Wow! Out of the mouth of babes. Now why didn't I think of that? Needless to say, an hour later the chicken had a complete makeover, and I do mean complete. The body of the chicken was bright orange, it's wings were now aqua blue, lime green, and teal, as well as the pedestal. The inspiration came from my new drinking glasses that I got at Pier One in those bright colors. What a difference a little time and paint can make!

The newly painted chicken now sits proudly on top of my refrigerator in my kitchen, and has inspired me accent with those colors even more in my decorating.

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